JoJo's Portfolio

Past Work

-The past work I've done that Iam so proud of was back in my freshman year I finished all the questions that my teacher assigned me which was answer questions and respond about Romeo&Juliet.
-My rocket report from physics
-My roller coaster report
-My essay from chemistry which I thought I did a good job on
-My reflection on the book called The Catcher In The Rye
-An essay about what I planned for my future and where do I see myself in 30 years
-The life map I made that my english teacher assigned the class
-The civil war time-line I made that my history teacher assigned the class
-The notes I took while reading about people's personal biographies that the english teacher assigned the class to do
-The plastic rocket I made with my partner
-I painted on a canvas in art class
-I got my very first A in my foreign language class
-Accomplished my internship and got a letter of approval from my mom's co-worker
-Accomplished my community service and got a letter of approval that I did it by my mom's friend and got hours for